Corridor Section Editor
Command Description
The "Corridor Section Editor" tool enables editing of subassembly parameters directly in section views. In addition to simple access to subassembly parameters Corridor Section Editor also enables transitions of parameters between stations. For example: you can define daylight slope that will have start value 2:1 at station 1+00.00 and end value of 4:1 at station 2+50.00. All values in between will be linearly interpolated to create smooth transition between the two defined parameter values.
To edit parameter in single section view
Click Kobi Toolkit for Civil 3D tab > Corridors panel > Corridor Section Editor
Select section view that you would like to edit.
On selected section view select subassembly by picking any of the subassembly links.
Change the parameter value. Please note that if the parameter is defined by target, the change will not reflect after the corridor updates because the target always overrides the parameter values.
Check "Preview" to see the preview of assembly with new parameter value.
If you would like to immediately see all the changes in corridor check "Rebuild corridor" option. This means that corridor will be automatically rebuild after "Apply" button is clicked. Please note that rebuilding of corridor might take a while on large corridors.
Click "Apply" to commit changes to corridor.
To edit parameters between two stations using the transition
Click Kobi Toolkit for Civil 3D tab > Corridors panel > Corridor Section Editor
Select first section view of the region that you would like to edit.
On selected section view select subassembly by picking any of the subassembly links.
Select end station from the list of stations or use the Length option and enter the region length.
Uncheck "Match parameters at end station" to get two different sets of parameter values for start and end stations.
Change the start station parameter value by using the "Value" column on the left grid. Please note that if the parameter is defined by target, the change will not reflect after the corridor updates because the target always overrides the parameter values.
Change the end station parameter value by using the "Value" column on the right grid.
Check "Preview" to see the preview of assembly with new parameter value. Please note that preview is only displayed in the initially selected section view.
Optionally select transition at beginning and transition at the end. These two options will create transitions from existing corridor values to values defined at the beginning or at the end.
If you would like to immediately see all the changes in corridor check "Rebuild corridor" option. This means that corridor will be automatically rebuild after "Apply" button is clicked. Please note that rebuilding of corridor might take a while on large corridors.
Click "Apply" to commit changes to corridor.